o que vai afectar no meu chopa...
Bring It On: Increased the bonus damage from Strength. (talvez começe a uzar esta ablidade mais vezes)
Go For Da Soft Spot: Increased the AP Cost and the base damage. Increased the bonus damage from Strength. (ja nao era sem tempo... esta ablidade dava quase tanto dano como o slasha)
Reckless Blow: Increased the bonus damage from Strength. (isto da jeito... hihihihi)
Slasha: Increased the bonus damage from Strength. (GRANDA BUFF isto e optimo para duels e contra tanks a dar mais dano e porreirito)
Throat Slasha: Increased the bonus damage from Strength. (bleed efect que dava pouco dano XD)
Yer All Bleedin' Now: Increased the base damage, and decreased the bonus damage from Strength. (nem sei se sera bom ou nao...)
Don't Go Nowhere: Decreased the bonus damage from Strength. (ma onda)
Fling Choppa: Decreased the bonus damage from Ballistic Skill. (ja nao dava muito dano entaoa gora =P)
Git To Da Choppa: Decreased the base damage and the bonus damage from Strength. (realmente isto andava a dar muito dano =P)
Lotsa Choppin': Increased the AP cost. (ja usava pouco... vou começar a uzar menos)
Sit Down!: Decreased the bonus damage from Strength. (daki a nada so faz mm o kock down ja nem dano tira :S)
Try An' Hurt Me: Decreased the bonus damage from Strength. (isto tb ja dava pouco dano :S)
Wild Choppin': Increased the AP Cost, and broadened the damage range.(muito ma onda isto ja custava bue AP)
Wot's Da Rush?: Increased the AP cost. ( ist ja custava 45 AP!!!!)
The following area-of-effect abilities have had their radii reduced: Bring Da Pain, Chop Fasta!, Come and Git It!, Extra Choppin', Git Stuck In, Lotsa Choppin, Outta My Face, Stomp Da Yard, Tantrum, Wild Choppin, Wot's Da Rush?, Yer Goin Down!
As outras ablidades naos as tenho ou e raro uzar.... mas com estas mudanças vou ter que refazer a minha tree... provavelmente...